Sunday 19 September 2010

Media Script - Alex
This is the initial script for our social realist short film. It isn't complete yet, but the group wanted to see the current progress on it.

Friday 17 September 2010

Initial Ideas

We have started planning the base idea for our film, around the social realist genre. We have decided on this because of how accessible it is to us, no special props or costumes will be needed and we won't need to find a special location for filming as most social realist films are shot in big cities or densely populated area. Especially since we don't need many actors for the idea we have been focussing on.

Initially we had other ideas, such as a parkour short, we have the resources to do it, but we decided that it would difficult to present a story within the allocated time and also to film it would be difficult... not too mention how dangerous it could potentially be.

We have centred around the theme of drugs, as we believe it is a big issue currently in the UK and should be addressed. Throughout our film, we plan to place a moral within the story, which follows the standard format of most short films.

Sunday 12 September 2010

Theories of the Media

There are several theories concerning the Media and its audience:

The Hypodermic Syringe theory

Dating from  the 1920s, its based on the idea that the Media is like a syringe, it injects ideas, attitudes and beliefs onto the audience and as a powerless mass, the audience has no choice but to be influenced by it.

The Culmination Theory

After the audience has watched the same thing repeatedly they become de-sensitised to it. For instance, if the audience is constantly watching violence, eventually they will feel less sensitive to the subject.

The Two-step flow Theory

The theory that states that the audience won't actually affected by the media text itself, but only by the discussions that the audience has on it

The Encoding/Decoding theory

This theory come in two parts:

Encoding is the process where the producers construct the text

Decoding is the process where the audience reads, understands and interprets the text.

This theory also states that different media text will be interpreted differently depending on the viewers' identity, culture and opinions.

Wednesday 8 September 2010

Future Project Discussions

I have established a group for my future project with Alex Puplett, and we have discussed what type of project we would be interested in doing. We have agreed on doing the short film project, which must have a run-time of five minutes.