Thursday 10 March 2011

Editing log -10/03/2011 - Editing first flashback

After filming, we uploaded our footage to begin work on constructing the first flashback scene and how it could carry on seamlessly in the timeline, especially since it isn't chronological order.

After putting each clip in order and cutting unneeded parts, we happy with the way the filming had turned out. At points however, some 180 degree rules were broken, although we managed to work around it and fix it by replacing the ordering of some shots that didn't affect the continuity. Also, sometimes on certain shots we hadn't filmed for long enough, so the pacing at points wasn't quite the way we wanted it, however we still believe it works the way it is.

To distinguish the flashback scenes from the present day scenes, we applied several effects to try and create a blatant although not overpowering effect. After adjusting the contrast and exposure and applying a bleach bypass, we believe it looks distinguishable but also implies a darker atmosphere.

Next we plan to film the second scene and will begin polishing and refining what we have currently got.

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